Parish Council

The Parish Council is a body of Practicing Orthodox Christians in good sacramental standing with the Church. They are elected by members of the parish for the purpose of working together with the priests in fulfilling the goals and needs of the church. This local governing body also reflects the fundamental structure of the Orthodox Church. That is, we, as clergy and laity together, are the “People of God” seeking to the best of our human capabilities to fulfill the mission entrusted to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

V. Rev. Archimandrite George Nikas,

Cathedral Dean/Proistamenos

2024 Parish Council Executive Board

President: George Karahalios (2025)

1st Vice President: Dimitri Gerontis (2024)

2nd Vice President: Archon Nick Bapis (2025)

Treasurer: Evan Dudley (2024)

Assistant Treasurer: LeiAnn Bathemess (2024)

Recording Secretary: Michael Giamalakis (2024)

Corresponding Secretary: Christopher Coombs (2025)

2024 Parish Council Members

Frank Corbett (2024)

Dorie Farah (2024)

Andy Giannis (2025)

Kosta Katsohirakis (2025)

Chris Mantas (2025)

AJ Nicolodemos (2025)

Bill Paulos (2025)

NIck Vekiarides (2024)