Stewardship is not about calculations or portions of percentages. It can’t be reduced to a number of dollars or hours of service offered. As Orthodox Christians we are called to a new way of seeing things, a new way of life. Our stewardship is obedience to the greatest commandment to “love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength”. We are called to bring others to commit their lives to Jesus Christ in such a way that leads to the joy of knowing Him personally and profoundly. The cost of Stewardship is very individual. What matters most is that each of us knows in our heart, mind and soul that we have done what we can to help keep our parish vibrant, and ever spreading the word that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the reason behind it all. Orthodox Christian Stewardship is learning how to be a responsible and concerned caretaker of Christ’s Church! Thank you for your support of our parish.

Fr. George Nikas - Proistamenos
Nick Vekiarides - Chairman

Christy Daskalakis
Renee Vekiarides

Stewardship Committee Members